Q.1 I want Transfer Certificate how can I process.
Ans.- Yes,
I. You can get Transfer Certificate by applying in the prescribed form. The form is available in the University website.
II. Attach self-attested copy of your mark sheet.
III. Prescribed fees
Q.2 I want Character Certificate haw can I process.
Ans. - Yes,
I. You can get Character Certificate by applying in the prescribed form. The form is available in the University website.
II. Attach self attested copy of your mark sheets.
III. Prescribed fees
Q.3 I want Migration Certificate, how can I process.
Ans. - Yes,
I. You can get Migration Certificate by applying in the prescribed form. The form is available in the University website.
II. Attach self attested copy of your mark sheets.
III. Prescribed fees
Q.4 Can I apply Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate in any one form or there is separate form for it.
Ans. - Yes, for issue of transfer certificate, Character certificate and Migration Certificate a student can apply in a single form, the form is available in the University website.
Q.5 What will be the fee payable for Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate.
Ans. – Fee payable for Transfer Certificate and Character Certificate is Rs 1000/-, and for Migration Certificate it is Rs 1000/-. Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate fee will be Rs 2000/- (in combination).
Q.6 What will be the time line to get Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate (How much time it will take to get the Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate).
Ans. - One month from the date of application in normal condition. It can differ as per situation.
Q.7 Can I apply for Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate through online?
Ans. - No, applicant can apply in person. Hard copy application will only be accepted.
Q.8 Can I send the Demand draft for Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate.
Ans. - Yes, fees can be paid in the shape of Demand draft. Demand draft may be drawn in favour of ISBM University payabla at Chhura,Gariyaband.
Q.9 Is self attested documents are also required.
Ans. Yes, Self attested mark sheets/documents must be attached with the application.
Q.10 What is the process of verification of Certificates/Mark sheets and Degree.
Ans.- Apply in the prescribed form available in University website, fill in the form, send it via registered post in the address of the University. No other mode will be entertained. Attach self attested mark sheets/documents by paying prescribed fees.
Q.11 Can I apply Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate in another or in my own format.
Ans. - No, the candidate has to apply in the prescribed format available in the University website only.
Q.12 To whom I should contact for Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate.
Ans. - Postal query will only be attended. No other mode will be entertained.
Q.13 Can I send mail/SMS/WhatsApp or any other social media platform to request for Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate.
Ans.- No, the candidate has to apply for Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate in person or via Registered post.
Q.14 Can any other person will apply for Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate
Ans. – Only candidate can apply for himself/ herself in person.
Q.15 Is it possible to collect Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate in person.
Ans.- Yes, applicant can collect the Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate in person after getting information from the University.
Q.16 In person application is accepted or not for Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate.
Ans. – Yes, It is accepted.
Q.17 Can I have to visit the campus to collect Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate.
Ans.- The applicant can collect Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate and Migration Certificate in person or provide self addressed stamped envelope to send it by registered post.
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