1. Title of the Practice IGNITE PROGRAM- Sharing of Knowledge and Continuous Learning
2. Objectives of the Practice

The goal of IGNITE program is to update knowledge of both students and member of the faculties and to create awareness on the latest developments.

3. The Context

Knowledge sharing is the process of transferring information from one person to other. Sharing knowledge in an organization helps to perform efficiently and to increase productivity

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The mission is to create a positive and enabling learning environment to pursue academic excellence. And also, build lifelong learners well prepared to meet emerging challenges. In order to achieve the mission, management decided to take steps to conduct an IGNITE programme for both for students and members of the faculty.

Initially, the IGNITE programme was conducted on Saturdays for faculties. As a result, following issues have arisen during the implementation of this IGNITE programme:

  • Initially, neither students nor faculty expressed their interest to participate in the IGNITE programme.
  • Lack of inter-departmental participation, due to lack of time and frequency of the program.

In order to resolve these issues, after discussion with higher officials, this IGNITE programme is planned to be conducted once a month for the faculty. At that time, faculties from various departments share their knowledge they have acquired from attending various programmes like seminars, workshops, FDPs, etc. This is not only limited to faculties but also conducting for students on Fridays which is part of the time table. Initially, Student IGNITE was conducted in three clusters like Circuit Branch, Non-Circuit Branch and Department of Management Studies. To Improve the Participation of student’s external events are organized we do it in department/program wise. Students present their Innovative ideas of Multi-disciplinary, New Emerging area research topics in the context of their respective department.

The Practice

Learning is a life-long and never-ending process. The goal of knowledge management is to foster teamwork, collaboration, knowledge exchange, and ongoing learning from the workplace. An act of exchanging knowledge among individuals, friends, families, communities, or organisations is the idea of knowledge sharing. The objective of knowledge sharing sessions is to gain new ways of learning from our colleagues.

The IGNITE programme is conducted for both students and faculty members to enhance their learning.

  • The IGNITE programme for faculty will be conducted on Thursday of the last week of every month. Faculty members are asked to present the topics in IGNITE programme related to outside participation like seminars/ workshops/ FDPs etc., by power point presentation with supporting videos or photograph. Faculty members who have not attended any events outside are also expected to present something exciting related to their department or any domains of their interest having academic relevance.
  • For students, the IGNITE programme will be conducted in regular timetable every week on Saturday (2:10 p.m.to 3:00 p.m.). The duration of the IGNITE programme is 50 minutes.
  • As per following schedule:
    Presentation 20 Minutes
    Video 10 Minutes
    Opportunities 15 Minutes
    Queries 5 Minutes
  • In each IGNITE programme, maximum of two students present on topics during the above-mentioned time slot.
  • Students are asked to present the topics in IGNITE programme related to outside participation, in seminars/ workshops/ competitions, etc., in a power point presentation with supporting videos or photos.
  • Students who have not attended any events outside the department are also expected to present Innovative ideas of Multi-disciplinary, New Emerging area research topics related to their department or any domains.
  • For more effectiveness and to enable better interaction, ▪ Presentation a brief introduction about your topic.
  • Use of relevant images or videos and a few key words to capture the idea for conveying to the participate.
  • Use of limited text.
  • Use small stories or humour to keep the audience engaged.
  • Display each slide for 15 seconds to for thematic presentation of ideas.
  • Recommend last slide on “New Scopes” or “Call to Action” slide. Draw a logical conclusion.
4. Evidence of Success
  • Obedience, effective communication, and improvement in academic performance are the prominent impacts of the IGNITE program.
  • Students are participating in more innovation projects and events both inside and outside of their University.
  • Healthy academic communication between the faculty members.
  • Faculties from various departments are involved in the innovative projects.
Guidelines for Department Ignite Coordinators
  • In each IGNITE programme, a maximum of two students may present on topics during the above-mentioned time slot.
  • Students are asked to present the topics in IGNITE programme related to outside participation, like seminars/ workshops/ competitions, etc., in a power point presentation with supporting videos or photos.
  • Students who have not attended any events outside their department are also expected to present Innovative ideas of Multi-disciplinary, New Emerging area research topics related to their department or any domains of engineering.
  • For more effectiveness and to enable better interaction, ▪ Start with a brief introduction about your topic.
  • Start with a brief introduction about your topic.
  • Use relevant images or videos and a few key words to capture the idea you’re trying to convey.
  • Avoid using lots of text. If necessary, use brief (1-3 word) statements.
  • Use small stories or humour to keep the audience engaged.
  • Display each slide for 15 seconds and avoid having too many topics or ideas on one slide.
  • We highly recommend that your last slide be a “New Scopes” or “Call to Action” slide. It can be anything that pertains to your presentation and is a proper conclusion.
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Student Ignite Program on 28.09.2022
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Student Ignite Program on 02.11.2022
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Student Ignite Program on 12.09.2022
5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
  • Some of the students, though academically capable, could not afford the cost of the training due to their poor economic backgrounds. The college supports these students by extending financial assistance.
  • Students from rural backgrounds may have good technical skills but may lack communication skills and other required skills, so special classes are provided to such students to boost their confidence levels and face the challenges of the world.
  • Faculty development programmes are conducted to update the faculty with new, evolving technologies so that they are prepared to train the students.