In a momentous ceremony held at the prestigious Dainik Bhaskar Eminence Awards, two esteemed luminaries in the field of education, Vice Chancellor Dr. Anand Mahalwar and Registrar Dr. B.P. Bhol of ISBM University, were presented with the coveted award for their outstanding and relentless contributions to the realm of education. The event,was graced by dignitaries, academicians, and industry stalwarts, celebrated the exemplary achievements and dedication of these visionary leaders.The Dainik Bhaskar Eminence Award, a prestigious recognition, celebrates the duo’s relentless pursuit of excellence, innovation, and transformational leadership in the education domain. Their collective efforts have not only elevated ISBM University’s stature but also positively impacted countless lives by empowering students with quality education and instilling a strong ethical foundation.
The recognition and felicitation of Dr. Anand Mahalwar and Dr. B.P. Bhol stand as a true inspiration for the entire academic community, motivating them to strive for excellence in providing unparalleled education and creating a significant impact in the lives of students. The remarkable achievements of these two leaders underscore the crucial role visionary educators play in shaping the future of education. The prestigious acknowledgment by Dainik Bhaskar solidifies their position as pioneering trailblazers in the field of education.